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Saint George is a wonderful place to spend time in the winter months. The weather is mild and there is lots of great recreation to do with your family and friends. In this blog we will discuss some of the great recreation around Saint George in February and March.

There are many great golf courses and parks for children around the Saint George area. In February and March many families are ready to get out and do some golfing and let the children play at the park. Saint George is perfect for this end of winter vacation because of the large number of golf courses and great outdoor parks. Those families that want to get out golfing will find half a dozen great courses around the Saint George area to play. Families with small children will find great parks all over the city to let the children play in the warm weather and get rid of the winter blues.

Swimming and relaxing in the sun is another recreation that families are ready for in February and March. The Saint George River Home is the perfect vacation rental for families wanting to relax in the sun and get some swimming in on their vacation. The Saint George River Home has an indoor and outdoor pool and is great for children to play in the water. The back patio also has a large hot tub that is great for relaxing in the evenings. The backyard has several patios for relaxing and lounging in the sun. There are also large lawn areas for playing sports and games with your family. There is also a great pickleball court, volleyball court, and basketball court in the backyard for families to play sports while they relax in the mild weather in Saint George.

Families that enjoy hiking and mountain biking will find lots of great hiking and mountain biking around Saint George. Snow Canyon State Park is just down the road from the Saint George River Home and is a beautiful area for families to take a hike or do some mountain bike riding. There are also great areas just north of Saint George to hike and mountain bike such as Red Cliffs National Recreation Area and the Dixie National Forest.

We hope to see you this year for a Saint George family vacation!

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